Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pro-Aborts and Counterproductivity

Based on this Gallup Poll, two spikes have occurred in the past several years that have put pro-life supporters ahead of pro-abortion supporters numerically. One was in May 2009; the other is right now.

What happened in May 2009? President Obama's highly controversial (except among the mainstream media) commencement address at the University of Notre Dame, at which the university and its misguided president, John Jenkins, added injury to insult by conferring an honorary degree on the president despite the objections of a number of bishops.

And what's happening now? The legal battle over the HHS mandate issued by so-called Catholic Kathleen Sebelius heats up, together with a highly controversial appearance of said Sebelius at another dissident Catholic school, in this case Georgetown. And this time the bishop's smackdown of Georgetown, though slow in coming, had even more bite than the criticism of Notre Dame did (although it's still just talk; the bishops are still scared to do anything more than "view with concern.")

By the way, isn't it ironic that the second spike is a direct result of a policy that showed the president's speech about "common ground" during the first spike to be at best empty words and at worst a bald-faced lie? (I wonder if he'd have talked about finding common ground between abolitionists and slaveowners if he'd been president in 1861, or between the Allies and the SS in over the "Jewish Question" if he'd been president in 1943.)

It's also ironic that the HHS secretary had the temerity to discuss "separation of church and state" in her speech when 1) her insurance rule violates this concept that she says is so important and 2) she doesn't even understand the concept, by her own admission.

So, my request to leading political pro-aborts and their allies, so-called Catholic universities: Do keep up this high-profile assault on Catholicism and human rights, guys, in the name of your rage-driven Lebensunwertes Leben pseudo-feminism. Please. Be my guest. The more you do, the more people apparently catch on.

P.S. Democratic voters bring to this poll minds "not to be changed by place or time." Of Republicans, independents, and Democrats, the latter's numbers changed the least. At least the good Fr. Jenkins has finally seen what everyone else saw three years ago. Better late than never, although if he's listened at the time he could have avoided scandalizing the faith.

P.P.S. Oops, I just realized that I insinuated in this post that the president is a liar. I'd better be careful or I might get arrested for that, according to this high school teacher, who apparently thinks that you can make bad statements that include profanity about Republican Presidents  but that all criticism of Democratic presidents must be suppressed by state action. (I am no Republican, but I do believe in applying the law equally.) At least the school board suspended her, but only after a lot of bad press.

1 comment:

Gene said...

Yeah, but sadly, the Dems will get over it and vote for Obama again anyway. They will not give up their welfare, entitlement State and Blacks will vote for him no matter what he does because he's black and they think he is going to give them something. This is all phony outrage for the benefit of the press and to assuage a little guilt, "Well, I felt bad about voting for Obama again, but I just can't vote for a Republican. I mean, they are mean, they like war, and they want me to go to work and behave myself."
The only solution is the coming total cultural/economic collapse, followed by x degree of violence and chaos to be resolved with the accession of somebody that makes Francisco Franco look like Dr. Phil. I'd welcome that...Christ have mercy.